Nov. 16-17 & 23-24
Music, All Ages
The Plymouth Arts Center will present “Celtic Christmas” a live musical concert with traditional, contemporary, and religious Christmas music featuring the group Celtic Folk. Four shows will be presented over two weekends this November. Show dates are Saturdays Nov. 16 and 23 at 7:30pm. and Sunday matinees Nov. 17 and 24 at 2:30pm. The show is generously sponsored by Sargento and Masters Gallery.
Tickets are $15 for PAC Members and $17 for Non-Members. To purchase tickets please visit the Plymouth Arts Center, 520 East Mill Street, Downtown Plymouth, WI Tuesday-Friday, 10am to 4pm, call: 920-892-8409, voicemail 24/7; or email: Tickets also may be conveniently ordered online at: Visa and Mastercard are accepted.
The group Celtic Folk features vocalists and musicians, Tom Armstrong, Tom Clegg, Julie Henze, Kerrylynn Kraemer, Mykael Lengling, Roy Schwab, Rachel Stoyke, Ramona Tritz, and Steve Vogt.
The Plymouth Arts Center is a 501(c)3 charitable non-profit organization solely supported through memberships, fundraisers, business and individual donations, grants and sponsorships. The mission of the PAC is….to enliven the spirit of our community and to enrich the lives of all, by providing diverse experiences in the arts.
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Waldo State Bank
Plymouth Furniture
Thurs. Feb. 20, 2025
Art, All Ages
Please join us Thursday, Feb. 20th from 5 to 6:30pm in Gallery 110 North as “Triple Vision” exhibiting artists Colleen Ansbaugh and Pat Bishop lead us on a complimentary gallery walk.
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Sponsored By:
Masters Gallery
Friday, March 7, 2025
Art, All Ages
For over a century, Wisconsin Craft has worked to promote crafts persons who design and produce work of their own hands. The long-running Biennial Exhibition is an opportunity for Wisconsin Craft members to showcase their most innovative work in a juried gallery setting. This year’s exhibition in Gallery 110 North will highlight the juried work of over 65 member artists. The public is invited to meet the artists at the festive opening reception from 5:00pm to 7:30pm. A brief awards ceremony will be held at 6pm.
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March 14-15-16, 2025
Music, All Ages
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at the Plymouth Arts Center with Celtic Folk as they present three shows of the ever-popular, “A Wee Bit Irish!” Enjoy this live musical concert featuring your favorite traditional and contemporary Irish tunes. Show dates are Friday and Saturday, March 14-15 at 7:30pm and a Sunday Matinee on March 16 at 2:30 pm.
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